AJF22 – Jornada Pro SOBREVIVIR O SOBREMORIR(CulturalmentE)

Jornada Pro SOBREVIVIR O SOBREMORIR(Culturalmente)
Survive or Overdie(culturally)

Palma / Ca’n Balaguer

Friday, December 2, 2022, at 1 p.m.


Jornada Pro SOBREVIR O SOBREMORIR(Culturalmente)
Survive or Overdie(culturally)

Elisenda Farré, speaker
Josep R. Cerdà, speaker
Ana Espina, speaker
Marta Barahona, speaker.
Paula Ráez, moderator.

The 2030 Agenda, in its 8th ODS on economic growth and decent work, recommends that development-oriented policies be established that support productive activities, the creation of decent jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation. We will discuss how to incorporate sustainable development into the cultural fabric, sustainability to companies and/or cultural agents, the barriers from the administration or the need for public support. We will have representatives of public, local and regional administrations, and also of the Balearic cultural sector. The talk will be led by sustainability experts Marta Barahona y Paula Ráez, from Gabeiras & Asociados.

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